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Frequently Asked Questions

We are happy to help answer any questions you might have. Please feel free to email us at or give us a call at the office (815) 522-6150. 

Do you buy logs?

We buy logs delivered to our location, as long as there is no metal in them. We do not have the man power or the equipment to go out and get logs (at this time). That being said, we do work with some loggers that go out and take down timber. If you have have standing timber that you are interested in getting logged, please give us a call or email us and we would be happy to assist you in the best way possible!

Will you buy trees cut from my yard?
Typically, we do not buy "yard" trees.
Why, you ask?
The answer is pretty simple.. yard trees are notorious for containing metal, which causes costly damage to our equipment. 


How big does the log have to be, for you to buy it?

We prefer to only purchase mature timber, at least 12″ in diameter depending on the species. We will not purchase much of anything smaller than that. 

What is my tree worth?

That is a hard answer to give because every tree is different. 

What's My Timber Worth?

That’s a hard question to answer because each timber stand is unique.

Buying timber on the stump is essentially when a logger purchases timber harvesting rights for a predetermined amount of trees from a land owner’s woods. You can get an idea of the average prices being paid for such timber from The Ohio State University’s Timber Timber Price Report. This report is compiled every year with data collected by OSU Agriculture Extension offices and reflects the prices paid for timber while still on the stump.

The numbers contained in this report reflect averages from the millions and millions of board feet of timber harvested in Ohio, so they may not necessarily coincide with the value of your standing timber. In fact, Timber Works has paid amounts much greater than the averages quoted in this report for exceptional or veneer timber. Still, this stumpage price report is a good place to start your research.

The easiest way to assess your timber is by allowing Timber Works to conduct a site visit, but read over our blog articles Estimating Standing Tree Volume and Estimating Standing Timber Value for an idea of how the process works and to learn how to conduct a self inventory of your timber.

The Kiln

We have a solar powered kiln that we run year round, it can hold up to 5400 board feet at one time! We sort our lumber by type and size then stack it to be air dried before we load it into the kiln. The air dried lumber that goes into the kiln is around 12 to 15 percent moisture content, when the lumber comes out of our kiln it is around 6 to 8 percent! 

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